Mid-year Registration is now open! Invest in your Music & Gaming career today. Apply now.
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Home > Apply To Study At Emendy
Enrolment Process:
Our Campuses
Open Days
If you are a citizen or permanent resident in a country other than South Africa, please provide details here:
Should you need assistance due to a physical disability and/or experience barriers to learning, please specify your disability/ies below for review and approval:*
* Note: All physical and/or barriers to learning must be disclosed within this section and must be communicated during the application stage with supporting medical documentation. Emendy will not be held responsible should you have not disclosed this information, resulting in us being unable to accommodate your requirements.
The programme details are subject to change, therefore we request that you please confirm all information with your assigned student advisor or refer to our website at www.emendy.co.za for more information.
*Disclaimer:You are required to have a laptop to be able to study. Please review the required laptop specifications necessary for your programme against the hardware requirements found on the programme page applicable. Laptop specifications and costs can be found on our website. To obtain more information, click Read more
*Disclaimer: Laptop specifications can be found on our website. To obtain more information, click Read more
Compulsory for applicants under the age of 18 years old.
Please upload ALL required documentation as stipulated. No applications will be considered without the required documentation being in place. *Please upload all documents in PDF format
Please read the Terms and Conditions before submitting the application form.
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